Lamp photos
Nowadays outdoor lighting and interior lighting have become one of the most essential part of society’s life. One cannot do without different lamps. A lamp is a unique object which is designed to make light from electricity. There is an impressive selection of lamps and sources of light. Among of the most commonly used types of lamp we can emphasize incandescent light bulb (lamp). Sometimes incandescent bulbs are called electric lamps, a notion initially applied to the original arc lamps. These lamps are as well known as globes or light globes within television, film industries and the theater. Except incandescent lamps other types of lamp are applied in various goals. These are halogen lamps (more smaller than standard incandescent lamps and used advantageously in optical systems), fluorescent lamps and their sort – compact fluorescent light bulb (CF), carbon arc lamps (excellent point source of light and mainly suited to follow spots and film projector lights), LED lamps (light-emitting diodes are most useful and cost-effective in nightlights and flashlights), discharge lamps etc.

Antique BTH Edison 230v 16CP Carbon Filament Light Bulb.

Vintage BTH Mazda lamp

Vintage Osram lamp 1910's

Osram GEC filament lamps 1910's

Osram GEC Filament lamp 1920s

Robertson Carbon Filament Lamp